sản xuất
to make or grow something to be sold
2. tip (n)
tiền boa
an amount of money given by a customer to someone who has provided a service, especially in a hotel or restaurant
3. regular (adj)
đều đặn, thường xuyên
happening or doing something often
4. organize (v)
/ ˈɔːr.ɡən.aɪz/
tổ chức, cấu tạo, thiết lập
to make arrangements for something to happen
5. environment (n)
môi trường
the natural world in which people, animals and plants live
6. feature (n)
/ ˈfiː.tʃɚ/
tính năng, đặc điểm
a distinct quality or a significant part of something
7. sign (n)
/ saɪn/
dấu hiệu, biển báo
a notice giving information,directions, a warning, etc
8. recognize (v)
/ ˈrek.əɡ.naɪz/
thừa nhận, nhận ra, nhận diện
to know someone or something because you have seen or heard him or her or experienced it before
9. period (n)
/ ˈpɪr.i.əd/
kỳ, thời kỳ
a length of time
10. associate (v)
kết hợp, kết giao, liên đới
to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else
11. factory (n)
nhà máy
a building where things are made or put together
12. instance (n)
trường hợp
an example of something
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