Học từ vựng | Vocabulary learning |bluff

bluff ()


to deceive someone by making them think either that you are going to do something when you really have no intention of doing it, or that you have knowledge that you do not really have, or that you are someone else

I don't believe you – I think you're bluffing.
In a game of poker, he bluffed confidently, making his opponents believe he had a strong hand when, in fact, he held a weak one.
She bluffed her way through the presentation by confidently discussing the topic, even though she hadn't thoroughly prepared.
The detective skillfully bluffed the suspect during the interrogation, making the person think they had more evidence than they actually did.
In negotiations, it's often beneficial to bluff a bit to gain a stronger bargaining position, but it's essential to be careful not to overdo it and lose trust.
The comedian loved to bluff in his stand-up routine, making up humorous stories and anecdotes to entertain the audience.

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