Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Reading (Review 1)

Match the sentence stems with the correct endings. You will not use all of the endings.

1. I don't mind spending a a campsite but I never go there.
2. I like to play b a picnic with my parents in a tent.
3. If you don't like meat, you probably won't like c a quiz at the social club, which is open to anyone.
4. I have bought d at the shopping centre.
5. I live near e that children under 1 4 should not be left on their own.
6. I like hanging out with my friends f money is more important than friendship.
7. Every Monday there is g tennis at the weekends.
8. I believe that h the piano from a friend.
i the woods in my spare time.
j time with my parents, but not when I am on holiday.
k barbecues.
l with my friends after college.

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