Exam tip
You should adjust your reading speed throughout the exam. When you are looking for
detailed information (e.g. the writer's opinion) , you will need to slow down to make sure
you find the exact answer. When you are asked for more general information (e.g. matching
paragraph headings), you may be able to read faster. By practising, you will find the ideal
balance between reading slowly enough to understand and fast enough to finish on time.
Questions 1-8
Do the following statements agree with the information in the text? Write:
TRUE if the text confirms the statement
FALSE if the text contradicts the statement
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to know from the text
1. The police may ask the people who are at the crime scene to wait together until they can talk to them.
(they are kept apart, not together)
2. SOCOs are not normally first at a crime scene.
(a police officer will arrive first)
3. Sometimes hair, skin cells, etc. from a SOCO are left at the crime scene, even though they wear protection to try to stop this.
(we know that they try to avoid
this from happening but we don't know if it
sometimes does)
4. Every item at a crime scene is photographed five times.
(it is photographed four times)
5. Fibres are an example of trace evidence.
6. If evidence is burnt, it cannot be dealt with.
(there is a suggestion that
special procedures may be able to save
some burnt evidence but we cannot be sure
that this is what 'special procedures' refers
7. A SOCOs job is to help get good evidence to court.
(SOCOs . . .standard methods . . .
provide valid information that can be used,
or be admissible, in court. . . The way in
which the SOCO team searches for, collects,
packages and stores such evidence is
important in preserving it.. .)
8. SOCOs may have to go to court to provide evidence.