Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Reading (Unit 2: Body and mind)

Exam information | Short-answer questions

In the exam, you may have to look for facts in a passage and give short answers to questions. You will be told how many words you are allowed to use in the answers. A number can be written either as a word, e.g. four, or as a number, e.g. 4, and counts as one word. A word with a hyphen in it, e.g. mother-in-law, counts as one word. You will not be required to use contractions.

1. How many words are there in these sentences?

1. She keeps fit by running after her two five-year-olds.

2. To use the gym equipment safely, follow the step-by-step instructions.

3. The Internet is helping the over-sixties to find up-to-date health information.

4. They are offering exercise classes 3 mornings a week for the part-time workers.

Exam tip

To keep to the maximum number of words, it can help to change a word form. Use a noun as an adjective the documents about the house ➔ the house documents, or to omit a verb there is a variety of reasons ➔ various reasons.

2. The following instructions were given In an IELTS reading exam: 'Using NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS for each, answer the following questions'.

Look at the students' answers in the table below and make them shorter if necessary.

Question Students' answers Short answer
1 What were his parents afraid of? there was a possibility that he would have problems with his health (12 words) his possible health problems
2 When did they first find out there was a problem? when doctors did a medical examination during the mother's pregnancy during pregnancy
3 How does his illness affect him? at the moment he is not affected by it at all but he needs to take medication he needs medication
4 What will happen in the future? nobody knows that yet(4 words) (no change necessary)

3. Answer these questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

1. What do you think is the best way to lose weight?

2. How do you feel about football?

3. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

4. Why is exercise important?

4. Read this list and cross out two activities that would not help you to answer the questions below.

  • reading the questions slowly before reading the test
  • underline the key words in the questions
  • reading the text before reading the questions
  • underling the key words in the text
  • scanning (moving your eyes down over the text to find information you are looking for, without reading the text for word)

1. Why do some people accept pain as a part of life?

2. What did Blaxter want to find out about?

3. What does the text say about how older people define health?

5.Underline the key words in questions 1-3 above.

Suggested answers:

1. Why do some people accept pain as a part of life?

2. What did Blaxter want to find out about?

3. What does the text say about how older people define health?

6.Now scan the text below and answer questions 1-3, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

1. 2. 3.

Illness is defined in a variety of ways, which depend on a number of factors. One of these factors is age differences. Older people tend to accept as 'normal' a range of pains and physical limitations which younger people would define as symptoms of.some illness or disability. As we age, we gradually redefine health and accept greater levels of physical discomfort. In Blaxter's (1990) national survey of health definitions, she found that young people tend to define health in terms of physical fitness, but gradually, as people age, health comes to be defined more in terms of being able to cope with everyday tasks. She found examples of older people with really serious arthritis, who nevertheless defined themselves as healthy, as they were still able to carry out a limited range of routine activities.


arthritis: a medical condition in which the joints (such as the knee or fingers) in someone's body are painful

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