Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Reading (Unit 6: Communication)

Exam information | Completing notes and summaries

In the IELTS exam, you may be given a summary of, or notes about, a text, but there will be information missing which you will have to look for. You will usually find the information in a particular part of the text, but not in the same order. You will either have to choose words from the text or choose the correct option from those given.

Exam tip

It is often easier to choose the correct answer if you can predict the type of word you need by using your knowledge of grammar.

1. Copy and complete the table. Some words belong in more than one category.


adjectives nouns verbs adverbs

2. Read the sentences. Predict what type of word is missing in each gap and give an example of a possible answer. The first one has been done for you.

1. Websites allow us to _____________ a library's catalogue of books and periodicals.

2. Public libraries are changing. You can still borrow and _____________ books, magazines, DVDs, CDs and other media.

3. Communication refers to both the act of _____________, in other words the exchange of information, ideas or feelings, and something that is _____________, for example a letter or telephone call.

4. DVDs aren't just for films anymore. New DVDs (digital video discs) provide even _____________ sound quality than audio CDs (compact discs).

5. Both CDs and DVDs sample the music, but DVDs are able to _____________ more information and they have more samples per second. The information is also more _____________.

6. After 1 066, many French and Latin words came _____________ the English language.

3. Here are some notes (a) and a summary (b) based on the text below. First, use your skim reading and/or scanning skills to decide which sections of the text they come from. Next, look for the missing words in these sections, using your knowledge of grammar to identify them. Use no more than TWO words from the text each time.


type of communication
(2) written


It is important to follow the rules when communicating in writing, especially if you are in (1) environment. There are three areas which are important: (2) , content and language. The language needs to be formal and there should be no (3) .You cannot choose to include exactly what you like, for example financial information must be included in your business's (4) . It also needs to look good on the page, with everything written in a (5) format.

In all communication, whether this is verbal or non-verbal, a sender transfers a message to a receiver, choosing a certain medium. The receiver uses the message clues and the context, and decodes it to understand it.This is often followed by a new message in return, and so the communication process continues.

Although this procedure is always the same, it can take many different forms depending on the type of communication. For example, in non-verbal communication (as opposed to written and spoken communication, which are both verbal), the code used could be gestures, body language, eye contact and facial expressions, such as a smile.

Communication is extremely important in the business world. It is likely that in this context both informal and formal styles will be used. If we take the example of meetings, we might say that they are often conducted in quite a relaxed way, with participants using first names and informal language. However, as soon as the meeting is official, careful records, called minutes, will be kept, following a predetermined format which is standard across many business situations. Layout is one aspect of a formal style. Content will also be dictated to some extent by the level of formality. Annual business reports must include certain types of information to be legal, e.g. financial information, but even a simple letter would not function as it should without the use of somebody's title (e.g. Mr or Ms). Language is another aspect which needs to be taken into account. Formal, written communication needs to be clear and to the point, without spelling or grammar mistakes, and in a formal register (e.g. Dear ... , instead of Hi). Not following these important rules would have a negative effect in any business context.

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