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Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Reading (Unit 7: Business management)

Exam information | Matching information

In the exam, you may be asked to match specific information, for example, a reason, a description or an explanation, to the section of a text where it can be found- A, B, C, etc.

Exam tip

Read the questions first, then skim-read the text to get an idea of its structure, and scan for the specific information. Every paragraph usually has a sentence that summarizes the main idea(s) in the paragraph (the topic sentence) . This sentence may help you.

1. Match the underlined parts in the text opposite to the type of specific information.

explanation reason (x3) example comparison condition

the companies that are quoted in the leading share price indices.
small and medium-sized enterprises, with less than 250 employees
successive governments have sought to encourage small business start-ups
forcing entrepreneurs to go through planning steps to make sure their business propositions are viable
to make sure that planned products and services meet customer needs
new and developing small businesses
this is up from the previous year and represents the best figures ever recorded
if new entrepreneurs are to succeed, if new businesses are to thrive

2a. What are the following paragraphs about? Write a, b or c.

i. paragraph A
a. the media
b. large companies
c. smaller businesses

ii. paragraph D
a. the reasons why small companies are better than larger ones
b. the reasons why the government wants more small businesses
c. a list of good points about small companies

iii. paragraph E
a. the role of policy makers
b. the importance of business planning
c. tips on improving your business

2b. Now decide which sentence in each of the paragraphs A, D and E is the topic sentence.

Paragraphs A: However, most economists agree that smaller businesses, particularly new and developing small businesses, are crucial to the long-term success of any economy.

Paragraphs D:The government also encourages small businesses because they are: . . . (The whole paragraph is an extended sentence.)

Paragraphs E:If new entrepreneurs are to succeed, if new businesses are to thrive, then it is important that they appreciate the central role of planning.

3. Write the key words in these questions and then look for the answers in the text.

1. Which paragraph mentions statistics?

Key words: paragraph,statistics


2. In paragraph A, which word indicates that the text will not be about large businesses?

Key words:A, word, large businesses


3. In paragraph C, which sentence explains why new and developing small businesses are crucial to the success of the economy?

Key words:C, sentence, why new and developing small businesses, crucial, economy

Answers: Behind the policy is a belief that small businesses contribute to a stronger economic base, and that they have the ability to thrive in a competitive global business environment

4. Which paragraph builds on the same idea as the one in A and C (mentioned in question 5)?

Key words:paragraph, same idea as, A and C



The business sections of the media tend to focus on large, traditional companies. By definition, these are high-profile businesses - the companies that are quoted in the leading share price indices. However, most economists agree that smaller businesses, particularly new and developing small businesses, are central to the long-term success of any economy.They argue that the industries of the future will originate in the small business sector.That is why the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe describes SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises. with less than 250 employees) as 'the engine of economic development'.


In the UK, the Department ofTrade and Industry (DTI) reported that the total number of businesses, including small companies, partnerships and sole traders, rose by 260,000 in 2004 to 4.3 million (source: www.dti.gov.uk). This is up from the previous year and represents the best figures ever recorded.


This is success for government policy. Successive UK governments have sought to encourage small business start-ups. Behind the policy is a belief that small businesses contribute to a stronger economic base, and that they have the ability to thrive in a competitive global business environment.


The government also encourages small businesses because they are:
  • a source of employment
  • flexible and innovative
  • responsive to gaps in the market
  • able to accommodate people with a passion for a product who might not thrive in alarge corporation.

Business planning


Policy makers recognize that it is not sufficient to simply encourage an enterprise culture. If new entrepreneurs are to succeed. if new businesses are to thrive, then it is important that they appreciate the central role of planning. A business plan is the basis of new business development, and it encourages an entrepreneur to think ahead and plan, as far as possible, for the business to be successful.


Writing a business plan will not in itself ensure that a business survives. However, it is an invaluable exercise, forcing entrepreneurs to go through planning steps to make sure their business propositions are viable. A business plan draws.on concepts, skills and knowledge, including:
  • doing market research to make sure that planned products and services meet customer needs
  • understanding the market by analysing competitors' products, services and prices
  • setting clear business aims and objectives
  • finding sufficient capital to meet the business's short-term and long-term needs
  • deciding on the most suitable structure and form of ownership for the business

Glossary share price indices: plural of 'share price index': a system by which (the speed of) changes in the value of share prices is recorded and measured • sole trader. a person who owns their own business and does not have a partner or any shareholders.

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