Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Reading (Unit 9: Community matters)

AIMS: Vocabulary about groups • Categorizing and labelling • Matching features

These pictures symbolize different aspects of 'community'. Complete these definitions of two-word phrases where the first word is 'community'. If necessary, choose it from the box below the table.

1. community a place that is specially provided for the people, groups and organizations in a particular area, where they can go in order to meet one another and do things
2. community an educational institution in the USA where students from the surrounding area can take courses in practical or academic subjects
3. community a system in which the police work only in one particular area of the community, so that everyone knows them. In Britain, there are Community Support Officers, volunteers who are trained to prevent and solve low level crimes so that people feel safer
4. community unpaid work that criminals sometimes do as a punishment instead of being sent to prison
5. community help available to persons living in their own homes, rather than services provided in residential institutions
6. community the feeling of loyalty to a group that is shared by the people who belong to the group
spirit centre college service policing care

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