Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Reading (Unit 9: Community matters)

The words on the right refer to groups of people. Match them with the word on the left that they best combine with. Use a dictionary if necessary.

1. political a party
2. online b cast
3. voluntary c band
4. film d group
5. rock e team
6. friendship f community
7. sports g organization

Watch out!
It's important to recognize what pronouns in a text refer to. Be careful with they, their and them: they do not always relate to plural forms. They are often used to talk about individuals to avoid mentioning gender (he, she, his or her, him or her).
A team member must be prepared to put other people's needs before their own. (This avoids the use of 'his/her own'.)

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