Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Speaking (Unit 10: Hometown)

Grammar: Should / shouldn't

Read the rules. Then write the correct words to complete the sentences.

  • Use should or shouldn't to make a suggestion.
  • Use should to say something is a good idea.
  • Use shouldn't to say something is a bad idea.
  • Put should and shouldn't before the main verb.

1. I (should / shouldn't) eat lots of junk food. It isn't good for my body.

2. I (should / shouldn't) try to do more exercise. It's important to stay healthy.

3. Playing the piano makes me feel relaxed. You (should / shouldn't) try it.

4. You (should / shouldn't) study late at night. It's really bad for your health.

5. People (should / shouldn't) play board games, like chess. It's good for your mind.

6. You (should / shouldn't) ask your friend to do your homework.

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