Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Speaking (Unit 11: TV and radio)

Part 2

5. Read the Part 2 task card below. Which grammatical phrases and tenses below would be relevant in your answer?

present simple
past simple
there is/are
there was/were
present continuous
have to
be going to
present perfect

Describe an enjoyable event you experienced when you were at school.
You should say:

when it happened
what was good about it
who was there

And what made it enjoyable.

Past simple
There was/were
Present perfect

6. Listen to a model answer and read the audio script. How many grammatical phrases and tenses are in the answer?

present simple
past simple
present perfect
there was/were

7. Plan your answer in one minute. Then record your answer. Try to talk for one to two minutes.

Các task khác trong bài học