Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Speaking (Unit 11: TV and radio)

Part 3

8. Read the Part 3 question and answer below. Match the underlined phrases with the grammatical tenses and phrases below.

In your opinion, what are the most important events at school?
That's an interesting question. I think there are lots of important events. For example, the first day is an important event because you meet new friends and your teacher. You have to remember lots of names and new things. Tests are important too. Tests are usually more difficult at a new school. Finally, your last day at school is important. Thankfully, there are no more tests and you're going to start a new job or go to university. In my opinion, you're starting a new life. It's an important day to celebrate.

1. obligation
2. present simple
3. comparing
4. present continuous
5. future

9. Read the Part 3 question in Exercise 8 again and record your answer. Which grammatical tenses and phrases did you use?

Exam tip
Listen to the grammatical tense in the Part 3 question and use this tense in the first part of your answer.Then use a range of grammatical phrases and tenses.

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