Exam information
The complete Speaking test (Parts 1 , 2 and 3) takes 11-14 minutes. The examiner asks questions and the candidate gives answers. The answers are recorded.
Part 2: Individual long turn
- Part 2 takes 3-4 minutes.
- The examiner gives you a 'task card' with written prompts. The examiner asks you to talk about the topic and include the points on the card. The topic is about a personal experience.
- You have one minute to prepare your talk, and the examiner gives you a pencil and paper to make notes.
- You talk for one to two minutes about the topic. You can use your notes to help you.
- Then the examiner asks you one or two more questions on the same topic.
- Part 2 tests your ability to talk about a topic, develop your ideas about a topic, and relevant vocabulary and grammar.