Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Speaking (Unit 2: Free time)

Exam information

The complete Speaking test (Parts 1 , 2 and 3) takes 11-14 minutes. The examiner asks questions and the candidate gives answers. The answers are recorded.
Part 2: Individual long turn

  • Part 2 takes 3-4 minutes.
  • The examiner gives you a 'task card' with written prompts. The examiner asks you to talk about the topic and include the points on the card. The topic is about a personal experience.
  • You have one minute to prepare your talk, and the examiner gives you a pencil and paper to make notes.
  • You talk for one to two minutes about the topic. You can use your notes to help you.
  • Then the examiner asks you one or two more questions on the same topic.
  • Part 2 tests your ability to talk about a topic, develop your ideas about a topic, and relevant vocabulary and grammar.

Listen to the examiner 's instructions for the task card be low. What newspaper or magazine do you enjoy reading? What is the title?

Describe a newspaper or magazine you enjoy reading.

You should say:
what kind of newspaper or magazine it is
which parts of it you read
when and where you read it

and explain why you enjoy reading it.

Các task khác trong bài học