2. Notice the underlined key words on the task card. Read the notes on each key word below. Listen to a model answer. Write the notes that the speaker talks about.
Exam tip
Identify key words = important words which show you what to include in your answer
3. Match the sentences below to the key words in Exercise 2. Listen again and check.
a I enjoy reading a magazine called Fab Football.
b I prefer reading the interviews with famous players or the news.
c I read Fab Football every weekend.
d It's about sport.
e It's very interesting.
4. Look back at the task card in Exercise 1 and prepare your answer. Make notes for each key word.
1. newspaper or magazine:
2. what kind:
3. which parts:
4. when:
5. where:
6. explain why:
5. Make sentences from your notes. Use Exercise 3 to help you.
1. newspaper or magazine:
2. what kind:
3. which parts:
4. when:
5. where:
6. explain why:
6. Record your answer to the task card in Exercise 1. Use your notes to help you.