AIMS: Talking about places in cities • Describing cities • Pronunciation: Syllables and word stress •
There is/There are • Skills development: Building fluency • Exam practice: Part 1 and Part 2
Vocabulary: Places in cities
1. Match photos A-C to the places below. There are three extra places.
2. Look at the photos again. What can you do in each place? Choose activities from the list.
Model answers:
harbour: go on a boat trip, have a coffee
shopping mall: buy clothes, have a coffee
museum: have a coffee, see an exhibition
3. In which place below can you do activites 1-5? Can you add more places?
1. eat or drink something
2. go for a walk
3. relax and meet friends
4. work
5. see a view of the city
Model answers:
1. cafe, hotel (restaurant)
2. beach, river (harbour)
3. beach, cafe, gallery, theatre (cinema)
4. skyscraper (office)
5. bridge, skyscraper (hill)