Part 2
Exam tip
In Part 2 of the exam, use the one minute to think and plan.
Identify the topic on the card.
Make notes on the three points and the summary point. This organizes your answer.
Choose topic vocabulary and suitable grammar structures.
Then speak at a natural speed for two minutes
7. Read the Part 2 topic card and the candidate's notes below. Which notes are not useful? Why?
• description of my country
• other cities I like
The topic card does not ask for this information and it will waste time.
8. Prepare your answer to the Part 2 task in Exercise 7. You have one minute to make notes. Use the Exam tip box to help you.
9. Look at your notes again. Can you improve them? Now record your answer. You have two minutes to give your answer.
10. Listen to your answer. Did you follow the points in the Exam tip box? How can you improve? Record your answer again for extra practice.