Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Speaking (Unit 5: TV and radio)

Vocabulary: Describing programmes

3. Listen to three people talking about programmes they listen to or watch. Match the speakers 1-3 with the type of programme they watch a-c .

a. documentary series

b. drama series

c. reality TV show

4. Read the sentences a-h below. Listen again and decide which speaker 1-3 says each sentence . Which three sentences express an opinion?

a. It's about clothes and fashion.

b. It's set in London .

c. It's presented by different models each week.

d. It stars some famous actors.

e. T he participants are famous people.

f. It's very exciting.

g. I think it's good entertainment.

h. The thing I like best is the hotel manager.

5. Think about a programme you enjoy watching or listening to. Write sentences to describe it and express your opinion about it. Use the sentences in Exercise 5 to help you.

Watch out!
actors = people who play characters in a story
characters = people in a story
contestants = real people in a game show or reality TV show

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