Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Speaking (Unit 7: Hometown)

Part 3

Exam information Part 3 tests your ability to express your opinion in a clear way and to use relevant language and a range of vocabulary.

7. Read the three questions below. Then listen to three people answering the questions. Match each question a-c to a speaker 1-3.

a. Is it a good idea to live with your family when you are studying?

b. Compare your experience of education to your parents' generation.

c. Do you think your country has a good education system?

8. Look at three adverbs from the answers in Exercise 7. Match them to the correct meaning.

1. definitely a. I'm pleased about this.
2. fortunately b. I 'm not happy about this.
3. unfortunately c. I agree completely.

Exam tip

Using adverbs shows the examiner you can express your opinion in different ways.

9. Look at the Part 3 questions in Exercise 7 again. Think about your answers and how you will express your opinions. Which adverbs will you use?

10. Record your answers. Then listen to your answers and assess each one. Choose T (true) or F (false) for the points below.

1. The answer is four or more sentences long. (T / F)

2. The answer is relevant to the topic. (T / F)

3. The answer includes a range of adjectives and adverbs. (T / F)

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