Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Speaking (Unit 9: Weather)

Part 2

5. Read the Part 2 task card below. Think and plan your answer. Which words and phrases can you include to show your range of vocabulary? Which useful phrases can you include to organize your answer?

Describe a friend that you like spending time with.
You should say:

when and how you met
how often you see this friend
what kind of personality your friend has

And say why you like spending time with this friend.

Exam tip
Remember to use your one minute preparation time to think about suitable vocabulary and useful phrases.

6. Record your answer. Then listen to your answer. Could you include more vocabulary and more useful phrases? Record your answer again and try to improve it.

7. Listen to a question related to the task card in Exercise 5. Record your answer.

Các task khác trong bài học