Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Writing (Introduction)

AIMS: Words describing hobbies and interests • The present simple • Quantifiers •Task 1 introductions • Analysing and describing a table forTask 1

1. Look at the pictures of hobbies, then fill each gap below with the correct verb + noun.

Gabrielle: I have lots of hobbies. Every weekend I (1) with my father. There is a club nearby, so we go there. It's really good fun, but it's much better being on the course if the weather is nice and sunny. My father is a better player than me. I usually take four or five shots to get the ball in the hole. In the evenings I (2) a lot. I especially like dramas and reality shows.

Yuan: I like sports quite a lot. I (3) three times a week! There is a pool near my house, so I usually go there before school. I really love it! I also (4) to a lot. My favourite singers are Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus. I use my headphones at home because my mother doesn't like the loud noise!

2. It is important to use the correct verbs with hobbies and interests. Put the hobbies under the correct verbs in the table. (Some hobbies may be used with more than one verb.)

computer games
the violin
the guitar
horse riding

do go play watch

3. We use the present simple to describe repeated or regular activities.

I play (present simple) football (activity) every week.
We also use the present simple to talk about things we like / don’t like / love / hate. These verbs can be followed by another verb in the -ing form.
I like (like verb) going (-ing form) swimming.
Complete the text using the present simple tense.

I asked the people in my class about their hobbies and this is what I found out. Most people in the class like (1) tennis. Julia and Pamela (2) tennis four times a week, and Peter (3) tennis three times a week. Over half my class (4) _ tennis every week. Brian doesn't like (5) tennis. He never plays! The most popular hobby is playing computer games. Nearly everyone (6) computer games. Four people (7). computer games every day. Only Ellen (8) n o t. computer games. She thinks they are boring. Half of my class like playing football. John and Paul (9) football every day, and Arnold (10) football four times a week. Two girls (11) not football.

Football Tennis Computer games Swimming
Boys Arnold x4 a week x2 a week every day
Peter x3 a week every day
John every day x2 a week every day
Paul every day x2 a week
Brian Never x2 a week x3 a week
Girl Ellen x2 a week Never! x3 a week
Julia x4 a week x2 a week every day
Pamela x4 a week every day

4. There are many different words to describe quantity. Put the words from the box in the correct order from 0 (the smallest amount) to 100 (the largest amount).

a lot of
not many
not much

Look at the information in the table in Exercise 3 and complete the sentences below with the correct quantity words.

1. boys like football.

2. the students have at least one hobby.

3. boys like swimming.

4. students play tennis.

5. students go swimming.

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