Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Writing (Unit 3: Culture)

Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Young people should spend more time on cultural activities such as music and theatre and less time on sport. How far do you agree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 175 words.

Model Answer

Some people think that young people should spend their free time on cultural activities like music, film and theatre. Others believe that playing sport is better for young people. In my opinion, both culture and sports are important parts of life so young people should do a mixture of both.

Sport gives young people the chance to exercise, which is important for health reasons. Sport also teaches young people about rules and teamwork. Cultural activities are good for the health of the mind and spirit and allow young people to be creative and experience different worlds. However going to the theatre or learning a musical instrument can be expensive. Sports activities can be less expensive but can be dangerous and lead to injury.

In my opinion, doing only one type of activity - just sport or just music, for example - can be bad. Many young people concentrate on one activity in order to become the best, like young sports stars. This can put a lot of pressure on them and make them less interesting than someone who does a variety of things.

I believe that young people should have the chance to do a variety of activities and that a balance of sport and cultural activities is best.

Progress check

How many boxes can you tick? You should work towards being able to tick them all.

Did you ...
☐ use correct word order?
☐ use the correct conjunctions to connect ideas?
☐ answer the question and not simply write about the topic in general?
☐ give reasons for your opinions and support them with examples?

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