Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe - Get Ready for IELTS Writing (Unit 5: Tourism)

AIMS: Verbs for describing line graph trends • Expressions with time • Using correct tenses • Analysing and describing a line graph forTask 1

1. You can use certain verbs to describe changes in the lines on line graphs. Match the verbs in the box to the lines on these line graphs. Write either 1, 2, 3 or 4 next to each verb.


to increase
to fall
to remain stable
to decrease
to go down
to fluctuate
to rise
to drop
to go up
to stay the same

2. Complete the table with the correct past simple forms of these verbs and any matching nouns.

infinitive past simple noun
to increase increased 1.
to rise 2. a rise
to go up went up
to decrease 3. a decrease
to fall fell 4.
to go down 5.
to drop dropped 6.
to fluctuate 7. a fluctuation
to remain stable remained stable

3. You can use adverbs to describe verb changes and adjectives to describe nouns.

Watch out!
Remember that adjectives come before nouns and adverbs came after verbs:
a rapid (adjective) + decrease (noun)
decreased (verb) + rapidly (adverb)
Adverbs such as fast and hard are irregular, (not fastly / hardly)

4. Complete the sentences about the graphs. Use suitable adverbs / adjectives if possible.

1. There was a in the number of holidays to France in 2008.

2. The number of travellers on long-haul flights between 2006 and 2012.

3. There was a in the amount of money spent on holidays in August 2009.

4. The price of skiing holidays in 2008.

5. For Task 1 you may need to use time expressions to explain when something started or finished or to explain when something changed. For example:

from 1990 to 2000
between 1990 and 2000
for ten years
twenty years ago
in 2010
since 1980
in January

Complete the time expressions in these sentences describing graphs 1 -4 in Exercise 4.

1. There was a slight increase in holidays to France between 2006 2007.

2. The number of long-haul flights fluctuated four years.

3. The money spent on holidays remained stable June and July.

4. The price of skiing holidays rose slightly 2005 to 2006.

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