Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp Destination B1 ((Unit 7: Grammar - Future time (present continuous, will, be going to, present simple)))

Complete using the correct form of be going to and the verbs in brackets. You may have to use some negative forms.

1. When I grow up, I (play) guitar in a rock group!

2. Rick and M ark (start) going to the gym twice a week.

3. Lauren (tell) her mum about what happened?

4. I (look) on the Internet for information about snowboarding.

5. No, Nadine (invite) everyone from class - just her close friends

6. Harry (be) ready on time or not?

7. Careful! You (break) something with that ball1 Go outside!

8. I (lie down) for half an hour. Call me at six o'clock.

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