Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp Destination B1 Review 3: (Units 7, 8 and 9 ))

If a line is correct, leave blank. If there is an extra word in a line, write the word.

Unseen London

1. Of course, London is famous for that its attractions like Big Ben
2. and the Tower of London. Millions of tourists look at these
3. buildings every year - but not far distance from these places,
4. there are other interesting sights. Next time you set off to visit
5. London, why not plan to go to some of the places close in to the
6. centre of the city that tourists rarely go to? Get into of a taxi and
7. ask the driver to take you to Billingsgate fish market, for
8. example. When you arrive there at the market, you’ll be amazed
9. at the sights and sounds of real London. You can ask to the fish
10. sellers about their work - and you don’t have to wait on for hours to get a ticket!

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