Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp Destination B1 (Unit 10: Grammar - The passive 1)

Write one word in each gap.

The National Trust

There are lots of beautiful, large houses in Britain. Many of them (1) built hundreds of years ago. In the past, they (2) owned by very rich families. Today, many of them (3) owned by an organisation called The National Trust, which (4) created to look after them. The houses (5) kept in perfect condition, and visitors (6) allowed to look round them. It’s interesting to learn how different life was in an old house. Milk was (7) kept in the fridge, because they didn’t have fridges! Washing machines (8) only invented very recently, so washing (9) done by hand. In some cases, the house (10) still lived in today. When this happens, visitors (11) only shown part of the house. The private rooms (12) kept closed to the public. These houses often have beautiful gardens, too. The gardens (13) looked after by professional gardeners.

You usually have to pay to look round National Trust houses. Members of the National Trust (14) given a discount. This year, millions of people (15) be given the chance to see what life in an old country house was like.

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