Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp Destination B1 (Unit 7: Grammar - Future time present continuous, will, be going to, present simple))

be going to

be going to + bare infinitive


I am ('m) going to travel...
He/she/it is ('s) going to travel
You/we/they are ('re) going to travel...


I am ('m) not going to travel
He/she/it is not (isn’t / ’s not) going to travel
You/we/they are not (aren’t / ’re not) going to travel


Am I going to travel ...?
Is he/she/it going to travel ...?
Are you/we/they going to travel ...?



Intentions I’m going to become an explorer when I grow up.
Predictions You'll have a great time in the Bahamas.
Predictions (often with evidence we can see) It's going to rain, so take an umbrella.
Facts about the future The new airport is going to be the biggest in Europe.

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