19. You have to stir the soup every five minutes or so. stirred
The soup every five minutes or so.
20. A baker delivered the cake for us this morning. had
We a baker this morning.
21. Elaine tasted the curry for me to see how hot it was. got
I the curry for me to see how hot it was.
22. Many people say that olive oil is good for the heart. said
Olive oil good for the heart.
23. Some people have said that red wine is good for the heart too. been
It that red wine is good for the heart too.
24. They've been building that new supermarket for months. construction
That new supermarket for months.
25. These cucumbers came from our garden! grown
These cucumbers our garden!
26. Why don't you ask an electrician to fit your cooker? get
Why don't you an electrician?
27. I don't think there's enough salt in the sauce. lacking
I think salt.