We do not normally use verbs in the passive in the present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous, future continuous or future perfect continuous tenses. Instead, we use a different phrase.
✓ The restaurant has been under construction for four years.
✘ The restaurant has been being built for four years.
✓ Dave has been in training as a chef for three years.
✘ Dave has been being trained as a chef for three years.
• We only normally use 'by' to say who did something when it is important information.
✓ Margarine was invented by a French chef.
✓ The best pizzas are made by the Italians.
✘ Waiter.'This steak has been overcooked by someone.
• We usually use 'with' when we talk about the thing used to do something.
✓ The soup should then be stirred with a spoon.
✘ The soup should then be stirred by a spoon.
• Some verbs are not normally used in the passive.They include intransitive verbs (without objects), such as appear and die, and some common transitive verbs, such as have, let, lack, etc