Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp - English Grammar in Use (Unit 66: To ... afraid to do) and preposition -ing afraid of -ing))

Use the words in brackets to write sentences. Use afraid to ... or afraid of -ing.

  1. The streets are unsafe at night.
    (a lot of people / afraid / go / out) (1)  .
  2. We walked very carefully along the icy path.
    (we / afraid / fall) (2)  .
  3. I don't usually carry my passport with me.
    (I / afraid / lose / it) (3)  .
  4. I thought she would be angry if I told her what had happened.
    (I / afraid / tell / her) (4)  .
  5. We rushed to the station.
    (we / afraid / miss / our train) (5)  .
  6. In the middle of the film there was an especially horrifying scene.
    (we / afraid / look) (6)  .
  7. The vase was very valuable, so I held it carefully.
    (I / afraid / drop / it) (7)  .
  8. I thought the food on my plate didn't look fresh.
    (I / afraid / eat / it) (8)  .
    (I / afraid / get / sick) (9)  .

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