Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp - English Grammar in Use - Intermediate ((Unit 91: Each and every))

Put in each or every.

  1. There were four books on the table. book was a different colour.
  2. The Olympic Games are held four years.
  3. parent worries about their children.
  4. In a game of tennis there are two or four players. player has a racket.
  5. Nicola plays volleyball Thursday evening.
  6. I understood most of what they said but not word.
  7. The book is divided into five parts and of these has three sections.
  8. I get paid four weeks.
  9. I called the office two or three times! but time it was dosed.
  10. Car seat belts save lives. driver should wear one.
  11. A friend of mine has three children. I always give of them a present at Christmas.
  12. (from an exam) Answer all five questions. Write your answer to question on a separate sheet of paper.

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