Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp - English Grammar in Use - Intermediate (Unit 62: Verb preposition -ing)

Complete each sentence using only one word.

  1. Our neighbours apologised for so much noise.
  2. I feel lazy. I don't feel like any work.
  3. I wanted to go out alone, but Joe insisted on with me.
  4. Where are you thinking of your holiday this year?
  5. We have decided against a car because we can't really afford it.
  6. It's good Dan and Amy are coming to stay with us. I'm looking forward to them again.
  7. Some parents don't approve of their children a lot of TV.
  8. It took us a long time, but we finally succeeded in the problem.
  9. I've always dreamed of a small house by the sea.

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