Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 101: Adjectives and adverbs 2)

Complete these sentences using well + the following words:

behaved              dressed         informed        kept          known         paid          written
  1. The children were very good. They were  .
  2. I'm surprised you haven't heard of her. She is quite  .
  3. Our neighbours' garden is neat and tidy. It is very  .
  4. I enjoyed the book you lent me. It's a great story and it's very  .
  5. Tanya knows a lot about many things. She is very  .
  6. Mark's clothes are always smart. He is always  .
  7. Jane has a lot of responsibility in her job, but she isn't very  .

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