Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 112: Even)

Amy, Kate and Lisa are three friends who went on holiday together. Use the information given about them to complete the sentences using even or not even.

Amy is usually happy is usually on time likes getting up early is very interested in art Kate isn't very keen on art is usually miserable usually hates hotels hasn't got a camera Lisa is almost always late is a keen photographer loves staying in hotels isn't very good at getting up
  1. They stayed at a hotel. Everybody liked it,  .
  2. They arranged to meet. They all arrived on time,  .
  3. They went to an art gallery. Nobody enjoyed it,  .
  4. Yesterday they had to get up early. They all managed to do this,  .
  5. They were together yesterday. They were all in a good mood,  .
  6. None of them took any pictures,  .

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