Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 120: By and until By the time ...)

Read the situations and complete the sentences using By the time ... .

  1. I was invited to a party, but I got there much later than I intended.
     , most of the other guests had left.
  2. I intended to catch a train, but it took me longer than expected to get to the station.
     , my train had already left.
  3. I wanted to go shopping after finishing my work. But I finished much later than expected.
     , it was too late to go shopping.
  4. I saw two men who looked as if they were trying to steal a car. I called the police, but it was some time before they arrived.
     , the two men had disappeared.
  5. We climbed a mountain and it took us a very long time to get to the top. There wasn't much time to enjoy the view.
     , we had to come down again.

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