Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 13: Present perfect and past 1)

Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.

  1. (1)  raining for a while, but now it's raining again. (it / stop)
  2. The town where I live is very different now. (2)  a lot. (it / change)
  3. I studied German at school, but (3)  most of it now. (I / forget)
  4. The police (4)  three people, but later they let them go. (arrest)
  5. What do you think of my English? Do you think (5)  ? (it / improve)
  6. A: Are you still reading the paper?
    B: No, (6)  with it. You can have it. (I / finish)
  7. (7)  for a job as a tourist guide, but I wasn't successful. (I / apply)
  8. Where's my bike? (8)  outside the house, but it's not there now. (it / be)
  9. Quick! We need to call an ambulance. (9)  an accident. (there / be)
  10. A: Have you heard about Ben? (10)  his arm. (he / break)
    B: Really? How (11)  ? (that / happen)
    A: (12)  off a ladder. (he / fall)

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