Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp - English Grammar in Use (Unit 130: Adjective preposition 1)

Complete the sentences using nice of ... , kind of ... etc.

  1. I went out in the cold without a coat. (silly)
  2. Tom offered to drive me to the airport. (nice)
    That was  him.
  3. I needed money and Sue gave me some. (generous)
    That  .
  4. They didn't invite us to their party. (not very nice)
    That wasn't  .
  5. Can I help you with your luggage? (very kind)
  6. Kevin never says 'thank you'. (not very polite)
  7. They've had an argument and now they refuse to speak to each other. (a bit childish)

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