Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 134:  Verb preposition (3) about and of)

Complete the sentences using think about or think of. Sometimes both about and of are possible. Use the correct form of think (think/thinking/thought).

  1. You look serious. What are you (1)  ?
  2. I need time to make decisions. I like to (2)  things carefully.
  3. That's a good idea. Why didn't I (3)  that?
  4. A: I've finished reading the book you lent me.
    B: What did you (4)  it? Did you think it was good?
  5. We're (5)  going out to eat this evening. Would you like to come?
  6. I don't really want to go out with Tom tonight. I'll have to (6)  an excuse.
  7. When I was offered the job, I didn't accept immediately. I went away and (7)  it for a while. In the end I decided to take the job.
  8. I don't (8)  much (9)  this coffee. It's like water.
  9. Katherine is homesick. She's always (10)  her family back home.
  10. A: Do you think I should apply to do the course?
    B: I can't (11)  any reason why not.

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