Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 145:  Phrasal verbs (9) away/back)

Complete the sentences. Use the verb in brackets + away or back.

  1. A: Do you still have my keys?
    B: No. Don't you remember? I  to you yesterday. (give)
  2. A: Do you want this magazine?
    B: No, I've finished with it. You can  . (throw)
  3. A: How are your new jeans? Do they fit you OK?
    B: No, I'm going to  to the shop. (take)
  4. A: Here's the money you asked me to lend you.
    B: Thanks. I'll  as soon as I can. (pay)
  5. A: What happened to all the books you used to have?
    B: I didn't want them any more, so I  . (give)
  6. A: Did you phone Sarah?
    B: She wasn't there. I left a message asking her to  . (call)

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