Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 19: Present tenses)

Put the verb into the more suitable form, present continuous or present simple.

  1. (1)  (I / go) to the cinema this evening.
  2. (2)  (the film / start) at 3.30 or 4.30?
  3. (3)  (we / have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?
  4. The art exhibition (4)  (finish) on 3 May.
  5. (5) (I / not / go) out this evening. (6) (I / stay) at home.
  6. '(7)  (you / do) anything tomorrow morning?' 'No, I'm free. Why?'
  7. (8) (we / go) to a concert tonight (9) (it / start) at 7.30.
  8. (10)  (I / leave) now. I've come to say goodbye.
  9. A: Have you seen Liz recently?
    B: No, but (11)  (we / meet) for lunch next week.
  10. You are on the train to London and you ask another passenger:
    Excuse me. What time (12)  (this train / get) to London?
  11. You are talking to Helen:
    Helen, (13)  (I / go) to the supermarket. (14)  (you / come) with me?
  12. You and a friend are watching television. You say:
    I'm bored with this programme. What time (15)  (it / end)?
  13. (16)  (I / not / use) the car this evening, so you can have it.
  14. Sue (17)  (come) to see us tomorrow. (18)  (she / travel) by train and her train (19)  (arrive) at 10.15.

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