Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 34: Should 2)


You can use should after:

insist     recommend        suggest       demand         propose

  • I insisted that he should apologise.
  • Doctors recommend that everyone should eat plenty of fruit.
  • What do you suggest we should do?
  • Many people are demanding that something should be done about the problem.

It's important/vital/necessary/essential that ... should ... :
  • It's essential that everyone should be here on time.
B You can also leave out should in the sentences in section A. So you can say:
  • It's essential that everyone be here on time. (= ... that everyone should be here)
  • insisted that he apologise. (= ... that he should apologise)
  • What do you suggest we do?
  • Many people are demanding that something be done about the problem.

This form (be/do/apologise etc.) is called the subjunctive. It is the same as the infinitive (without to). You can also use normal present and past tenses:
  • It's essential that everyone is here on time.
  • insisted that he apologised.
C After suggest, you cannot use to ... ('to do I to buy' etc.). You can say:
  • What do you suggest we should do?
    or What do you suggest we do? (but not What do you suggest us to do?)
  • Jane won the lottery.
    suggested that she should buy a car with the money she'd won.
    or suggested that she buy a car.
    or suggested that she bought a car. (but not I suggested her to buy)

You can also use -ing after suggest (What do you suggest doing?). See Unit 53.


You can use should after a number of adjectives, especially:

strange    odd       funny       typical      natural        interesting          surprised        surprising

  • It's strange that he should be late. He's usually on time.
  • I was surprised that he should say such a thing.
E You can say 'If something should happen ... '. For example:
  • We have no jobs at present, but if the situation should change, we will contact you.

You can also begin with should (Should something happen ... ):
  • Should the situation change, we will contact you.

This means the same as 'If the situation changes, ... '. With should, the speaker feels that the possibility is smaller.

F You can use I should ... / I shouldn't ... to give somebody advice. For example:
  • 'Shall I leave now?' 'No, I should wait a bit.'

Here, I should wait = I would wait if I were you, I advise you to wait.
More examples:
  • ‘I'm going out now. Is it cold out?’  ‘Yes, I should wear a coat.’
  • I shouldn't stay up too late. You have to be up early tomorrow.

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