Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 37: Can/Could/Would you ... ? etc.)

Read the situations and write questions beginning Can ... or Could ....

  1. You're carrying a lot of things. You can't open the door yourself. There's a man standing near the door.
    You say to him:  ?
  2. You phone Kate's office, but somebody else answers. Kate isn't there. You want to leave a message for her.
    You say:  ?
  3. You're a tourist. You want to go to the station, but you don't know how to get there.
    You ask at your hotel:  ?
  4. You are in a clothes shop. You see some trousers you like and you want to try them on.
    You say to the shop assistant:  ?
  5. You have a car. You have to go the same way as Steve, who is on foot. You offer him a lift.
    You say to him:  ?

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