Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 52: Question tags)

Put a question tag on the end of these sentences

  1. Kate won't be late,  ?
    No, she's never late.
  2. You're tired,  ?
    Yes, a little.
  3. You travel a lot,  ?
    Yes, I love travelling.
  4. You weren't listening,  ?
    Yes, I was!
  5. Sarah doesn't know Ann,  ?
    No, they've never met.
  6. Jack's on holiday,  ?
    Yes, he's in Australia.
  7. Kate's been to China before,  ?
    Yes, two or three times.
  8. You can speak German,  ?
    Yes, but not fluently.
  9. They won't mind if I take a photo,  ?
    No, of course they won't.
  10. There are a lot of people here,  ?
    Yes, more than I expected.
  11. Let's go out tonight,  ?
    Yes, that would be great.
  12. This isn't very interesting,  ?
    No, not really.
  13. I'm too impatient,  ?
    Yes, you are sometimes.
  14. You wouldn't tell anyone,  ?
    No, of course not.
  15. Ann has lived here a long time,  ?
    Yes, 20 years.
  16. I shouldn't have lost my temper,  ?
    No, but that's all right.
  17. He'd never met her before,  ?
    No, that was the first time.
  18. Don't drop that vase,  ?
    Don't worry. I won't.

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