Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 64: To ... , for ... and so that ...)

Complete these sentences using to + a suitable verb.

  1. The president has a team of bodyguards  him.
  2. I didn't have enough time  the newspaper today.
  3. I came home by taxi. I didn't have the energy  .
  4. 'Would you like something  ?' 'Yes, please. A cup of coffee.'
  5. We need a bag  these things in.
  6. There will be a meeting next week  the problem.
  7. Do you need a visa  to the United States?
  8. I saw Helen at the party, but we didn't have a chance  to each other.
  9. I need some new clothes. I don't have anything nice  .
  10. They've just passed their exams. They're having a party  .
  11. I can't do all this work alone. I need somebody  me.

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