Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 70: Countable and uncountable 2)

What do you say in these situations? Use a word from Section B (luggageweather etc.) in each sentence.

  1. Your friends have just arrived at the station. You can't see any cases or bags.
    You ask them:  ?
  2. You go into the tourist office. You want to know about places to see in the town.
    You say: I'd like  .
  3. You are a student. You want your t eacher to advise you about which courses to do.
    You say: Can you give me  ?
  4. You want to watch the news on TV, but you don't know when it is on.
    You ask your friend : What time  ?
  5. You are at the top of a mountain. You can see a very long way. It's beautiful.
    You say: It  , isn't it.
  6. You look out of the window. The weather is horrible: cold, wet and windy.
    You say: What  !

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