Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 73:  The (1))

Put in the or where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty.

  1. A: Our apartment is on (1)  tenth floor.
    B: Is it? I hope there's (2)  lift.
  2. A: Did you have (3)  nice holiday?
    B: Yes, it was (4)  best holiday I've ever had.
  3. A: Where's (5)  nearest shop?
    B: There's one at (6)  end of this street.
  4. A: It's (7)  lovely day, isn't it?
    B: Yes, there isn't (8)  cloud in (9)  sky.
  5. A: I've got a problem with my computer. It isn't connecting to (10)  internet.
    B: That's interesting. I've got (11)  same problem with mine.
  6. A: We spent all our money because we stayed at (12)  most expensive hotel in town.
    B: Why didn't you stay at (13)  cheaper hotel?
  7. A: Would you like to travel in (14)  space?
    B: Yes, I'd love to go to (15)  moon.
  8. A: What's Jupiter? Is it (16)  star?
    B: No, it's (17)  planet. It's (18)  largest planet in (19)  solar system.

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