Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 80: Noun noun)

What do we call these things and people?

  1. A ticket for a concert is  .
  2. Problems concerning health are  .
  3. An interview for a job is  .
  4. Pictures taken on your holiday are your  .
  5. Chocolate made with milk is  .
  6. Somebody whose job is to inspect factories is  .
  7. A horse that runs in races is  .
  8. A race for horses is  .
  9. Shoes for running are  .
  10. A student studying at university is  .
  11. The results of your exams are your  .
  12. The carpet in the living room is  .
  13. A scandal involving an oil company is  .
  14. Workers at a car factory are  .
  15. A scheme for the improvement of a road is  .
  16. A department store in New York is  .
  17. A course that lasts five days is  .
  18. A question that has two parts is  .
  19. A man who is thirty years old is  .

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