Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp English Grammar in Use (Unit 99: Adjectives: a nice new house, you look tired)

Put in the correct word.

1. This tea tastes a bit ______ .(strange/ strangely)

2. I always feel ______ when the sun is shining. (happy / happily)

3. The children were playing ______ in the garden. (happy / happily}

4. The man became ______ when the manager of the restaurant asked him to leave. (violent / violently)

5. You look ______ ! Are you all right? (terrible / terribly)

6. There's no point in doing a job if you don't do it ______ (proper / properly)

7. The soup tastes ______ (good / well)

8. Hurry up! You're always so ______ (slow / slowly)

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