Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

IELTS Academic 14 (Test 1)

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Marine renewable energy (ocean energy)


More energy required because of growth in population and 31 What’s needed:

  • renewable energy sources
  • methods that won't create pollution

Wave energy

Advantage: waves provide a 32 source of renewable energy

Electricity can be generated using offshore or onshore systems

Onshore systems may use a reservoir


  • waves can move in any 33
  • movement of sand, etc. on the 34 of the ocean may be affected

Tidal energy

Tides are more 35 than waves

Planned tidal lagoon in Wales:

  • will be created in a 36 at Swansea
  • breakwater (dam) containing 16 turbines
  • rising tide forces water through turbines, generating electricity
  • stored water is released through 37, driving the turbines in the reverse direction


  • not dependent on weather
  • no 38 is required to make it work
  • likely to create a number of 39


  • may harm fish and birds, e.g. by affecting 40 and building up silt

Ocean thermal energy conversion

Uses a difference in temperature between the surface and lower levels

Water brought to the surface in a pipe

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