Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

IELTS Academic 14 (Test 2)

Questions 11 - 15

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Visit to Branley Castle

  1. Before Queen Elizabeth I visited the castle in 1576,

  2. In 1982, the castle was sold to

  3. In some of the rooms, visitors can

  4. In the castle park, visitors can

  5. At the end of the visit, the group will have

Questions 16-20

Label the plan below.

Write the correct letter, A—H, next to Questions 16-20.

Branley Castle

  1. Starting point for walking the walls .............
  2. Bow and arrow display .............
  3. Hunting birds display .............
  4. Traditional dancing .............
  5. Shop aaa .............

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