Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

IELTS Academic 15 (Test 4)

Questions 11 - 16

Label the map below.

Write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 11-16.

Croft Valley Park

  1. café
  2. toilets
  3. formal gardens
  4. outdoor gym
  5. skateboard ramp
  6. wild flowers

Questions 17 and 18

Choose TWO letters, A–E.

What does the speaker say about the adventure playground?

  • A. Children must be supervised.
  • B. It costs more in winter.
  • C. Some activities are only for younger children.
  • D. No payment is required.
  • E. It was recently expanded.

Questions 19 and 20

Choose TWO letters, A–E.

What does the speaker say about the glass houses?

  • A. They are closed at weekends.
  • B. Volunteers are needed to work there.
  • C. They were badly damaged by fire.
  • D. More money is needed to repair some of the glass.
  • E. Visitors can see palm trees from tropical regions.

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